diff を使ってみよう

論文と言わず文章の剽窃をチェックする一つの方法として、ともかく、2つの文書の文字列の差異を比較することが必要になります。そのためのサイトに「テキスト比較ツール difff《デュフフ》」という便利なサイトがあります。学生レポートの剽窃チェックに便利です。使い方は簡単で、左右のペインに比較するそれぞれの文字列をコピーペーストし、「比較する」ボタンをクリックすればいいのです。異なる部分が桜色(季節限定)で表示されます。ちょうどいいサンプルができたので使ってみましょう。

I read the book titled “that day” in Japanese written by Mis Obokata.
The book contains Obokata’s memories during working as a researcher in Riken Wakayama laboratory in Kobe.
STAP story had many mysterious events, finally she was accused to be the most suspicious person who contaminated ES cell. Offical committee did not comfirm her guilty of ES contamination, but committee’s conclusion harmed her seriously.
As the result she suffered from depression. Therefore she decided to publish her book describing about her experience in Riken after 2 years of the miscondut event.
She wrote her book as memories style, but, actually her book asked Dr Wakayama to reveal his manipulation about STAP experiments.
The most important points in her book is that she did not participate making STAP stem cells.
At first, she asked Dr Wakayama to reveal what kinds of mouse strain she was given prior to STAP cell preparing.
She wrote in her book that she used the mice just she was given from Dr Wakayama without knowing its strain, therefore, she did not check its strain at all.
In the past press conference at June 16 in 2014, Dr Wakayama said he himself or other staffs in the laboratory prepared the mouse. For preparing STAP cells, she just used the mouse given by Dr Wakayama or other staffs in the laboratory.
Initially, Dr Wakayama passed her the mouse directly, later, other staff did so.
Dr Wakayama said he did not leave any mouse preparing records. Katsura official investigation committee confirmed Obokata did not know any mice strain at all.
Further, she was confused why the officially analyzed results of STAP (stem) cell gene differed from those of mouse she used in the experiment. She was not able to mention the reason of these gaps. She wrote Dr Wakayama was the only parson who could tell the reason because he made STAP stem cell alone.
In the course of STAP experiments, Dr Wakayama succeeded STAP stem cells conversion from STAP cells. He succeeded STAP stem cell experiments in a row.
Therefore, Obokata’s part of STAP cell experiments was exclusively restricted.
She just made STAP cell through lethal processing with acid stress by using spleen lymphocytes taken from young mice.
Dr Wakayama made STAP stem cell named FLS. Then he made Fgf induce stem cells named CTS or FI which were able to make fetus and placenta.
She wrote that STAP stem cell experiments were done by Dr Wakayama himself without Obokata’s Cooperation.
She was not thought how to use manipulator at all in Wakayama laboratory, therefore she did not make STAP stem cells.
After all, she was not allowed to participate STAP stem cell and related experiments.
She tried to increase STAP cell by adapting STAP cell to artificial medium but failed.
For her, it was almost impossible to culture STAP cells in the artificial ES or TS medium.
Actually, she continued to struggle with STAP cells culturing without success.
According to the contract, Wakayama laboratory moved to the new laboratory in Yamanasi University in March 2013.
After Wakayama laboratory leaving, Dr Sasai helped Obokata to finish the rewrote version of STAP manuscript to Nature.
Then, Mis Obokata sent the finished version of the manuscript to Nature in March 2013.
Nature requested her to send the STAP manuscript after correction of several pointed contents.
She struggled to make revised version of STAP manuscript according to Dr Sasai and Dr Niwa’s advises.
Unfortunately, she was not able to contact Dr Wakayama who actually conducted STAP stem cell experiments.
Finally, Nature accepted STAP manuscript in December 2013.


I read the book titled “that day” in Japanese written by Mis Obokata, so I would like to introduce this book, here.
I apologize the story written below is just my understanding or impression after reading.
The book contains Obokata’s memories during working as a researcher in Riken Wakayama laboratory in Kobe.
STAP story had many mysterious events, finally she was accused to be the most suspicious person who contaminated ES cell in STAP cells.
Offical committee did not confirm ES contamination was her conduct, but this committee’s ambiguous conclusion harmed her seriously.
As the result, she suffered from serious depression, so called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Therefore she decided to write several events she experienced in Riken laboratory.
Two years later, the book titled “That day” was published.
She wrote her book as a memory story, actually, she asked Dr Wakayama to tell facts that were regarded as unresolved.
She would also like to know the possibilities of his manipulation about STAP experiments.
The most important points in her book is that she did not participate making STAP stem cells.
Therefore, she asked Dr Wakayama to reveal the mouse strain she was given prior to STAP cell preparing at first.
She wrote in her book that she used the mice just she was given from Dr Wakayama.
In the past press conference at June 16 in 2014,
Dr Wakayama said he himself or other staffs in the laboratory prepared the mouse.
For preparing STAP cells, she used the mouse given by just Dr Wakayama or other staffs in the laboratory.
Initially, Dr Wakayama passed her the mouse directly, later, other staff did so.
She did not know the experimental mice strain, therefore, she did not check its strain at all. It was almost impossible for her to tell the reason of mouse gene gap when she was asked after STAP experiment.
Dr Wakayama said he did not leave any records of the mouse prepared.
Katsura official investigation committee confirmed Obokata did not know any mice strain at all.
Further, she was confused why the officially analyzed genes of STAP (stem) cells differed from those of experimental mouse she used.
She was not able to mention the reason of these gene gaps.
Dr Wakayama was the only person who could tell the gene gap between STAP (stem) cell and used animal because he made STAP stem cell alone.
In the course of STAP experiments, Obokata was informed that Dr Wakayama succeeded making kimera mouse and STAP stem cells establishment.
He did the serial STAP stem cell experiments in with his colleagues.
Considering these facts, Obokata’s experimental part was exclusively restricted to preparing STAP cells.
She just made STAP cell through lethal processing with acid stress by using spleen lymphocytes taken from newborn mice.
Dr Wakayama made STAP stem cell named FLS. Then he made Fgf induce stem cells named CTS or FI which were able to make fetus and placenta.
She was not taught how to use manipulator at all in Wakayama laboratory, therefore she did not make STAP stem cells technically.
After all, she was not allowed to participate STAP stem cell and related experiments.
She insisted in her book that STAP stem cell experiments were done by Dr Wakayama himself.
On the other hand, Obokata tried to increase STAP cells by the method of adapting the cells to artificial medium.
She was not able to grow STAP cell in the artificial ES or TS medium.
It was almost impossible for her to culture STAP cells for the purpose of conversion from STAP cell to STAP stem cell.
Actually, she continued to struggle with STAP cells culturing without success.
According to the contract, Wakayama laboratory moved to the new laboratory in Yamanasi University in March 2013.
After Wakayama laboratory leaving, Dr Sasai helped Obokata to write the new version of STAP manuscript sending to Nature.
Then, Mis Obokata sent the two new versions of STAP manuscripts to Nature in March 2013.
Nature requested her to send back STAP revised manuscript after correction of several pointed contents.
She struggled to make revised version of STAP manuscript. She did additional experiments according to Dr Sasai and Dr Niwa’s help.
Unfortunately, she was not able to contact Dr Wakayama who actually conducted STAP stem cell experiments.
Katsura official investigation committee did not reveal these process of STAP stem cell experiments.
Finally, Nature accepted STAP manuscript in December 2013.


2018/4/6(金) 午後 11:58 学とみ子

plus99% さんのコメントを取り入れたんでしょうかね、かなり改変されています。
ちょうどいいサンプルなんで、興味ある方は diff を使ってみたらどうでしょ。

plus99% さんの意見に従い、この記事をアップした理由を最初に加筆したようです。しかし、それに続いて「I apologize the story written below is just my understanding or impression after reading. 」だって。だれもまだ非難していないのに、何故最初から謝るんでしょうね。自分の主張は非難されるものだという認識があるんですかね。不思議な方です。

「diff を使ってみよう」への4件のフィードバック

  1. 初めまして。STAP事件に当初より興味を持ち、ずっとROMしてきました。科学的な内容は難しくて文系の私には到底理解できそうにありません。最近学さんのブログで、ノフラー氏とのやり取りや英語での発信といった新たな動きがあり、英語だけは得意な私にも少しコメントできるかなぁ、なんて気持ちが湧いてきました。ですが、学さんブログに直接意見するのも勇気がいるし、一度投稿しようとしたときに文字数制限で書き込めなかったので、勇気を出してこちらにコメントに来てみました。
    I read a Japanese book with title: “that day” written by Ms Obokata. I would like to introduce this book here.
    I need to caveat what’s written below is just based on my understanding and impression after reading it.
    The book contains Obokata’s stories of her days working as a researcher at Wakayama laboratory, Kobe Riken.
    The STAP story has many mysterious events, and finally she was accused of being the most suspicious person who contaminated the STAP cells with ES cells.
    The official committee of Riken did not conclude the ES contamination was her conduct, but the committee’s ambiguous conclusion harmed her image as a researcher and seriously affected her mental and physical condition. As a result, she has suffered from serious depression, so called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In her effort for recovery, she decided to write her experience at the Riken laboratory. Two years later, the book “That day” was published.
    She wrote her book as a reminiscence of her days at Riken, in which she asked Dr Wakayama to tell the facts about what were regarded as unsolved in the official investigations.
    (注: ここで学さんが何を言いたいのか分かりにくいです。一見すると、小保方さんと若山さんが共謀して不正を行い、両者が知っている”facts”を若山さんに語れと呼びかけているように読めます。)
    She would also like to know the possibilities of his manipulation about STAP experiments. (注: この文章は意味不明のため添削できず)
    The most important point of her book is, however, she was not involved in making STAP stem cells.

  2. 学なし子さん

  3. Sigh様

  4. 学なし子さん


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